Today, Queens, Tomorrow the Bronx … Meet On-Call HHA Arcina Batista

As a VNS Health on-call home health aide (HHA), Arcina Batista has gotten to know New York City very well.
That’s because on any given day, at any time, she could be asked to work anywhere across the city’s five boroughs. While Arcina may not know what part of NYC she’ll be providing care from day to day, one thing is for sure: She looks forward to what each day brings.
Last year alone, Arcina saw more than 220 patients in all parts of the city. Her patients come from some of New York’s most vulnerable communities, and often suffer from multiple comorbidities. Admittedly, this kind of work isn’t for everyone, but Arcina loves her job.
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Being Fast and Agile and Going Above and Beyond

Arcina has been assigned to cases that would be challenging even for the most accomplished aide. But working on-call means Arcina has to be fast and agile from the moment the call comes in. She not only needs to deliver excellent patient care, but she also needs to ensure that this care maintains the highest standards despite the change in caregivers. As Arcina’s HHA supervisor Carla Greenidge notes, “When you call Arcina at 7 a.m., asking if she can take a visit, she says, ‘Give it to me, I’m ready!’ Then she goes right to work, asking questions and taking notes in preparation for caring for her newest patient.”

Carla recalls a time when she was desperately trying to find someone at the last minute to cover a patient visit. The patient lived in the Bronx and Carla was hesitant to ask Arcina, who lives on Manhattan’s Upper West Side and had already been working all day caring for a patient in Queens. Given the dire situation Carla found herself in, Carla thought she would have to plead with Arcina to take the extra visit.
But, no, that wasn’t the case. Without missing a beat, Arcina gladly accepted the assignment “‘That’s what I’m here for!’ she said.
That’s what Arcina is all about,” says Carla, “going above and beyond. She’s truly amazing.”
A Willingness to Learn New Caregiving Techniques
In her unique role as an on-call HHA, Arcina has always shown a willingness to learn new techniques and approaches to care. For example, in addition to the in-service trainings all HHA team members must complete, as an on-call HHA Arcina had to take the Health Coach training program, Hoyer-lift training, and hospice training. Arcina has also been trained in the use of all the latest technology and stays on top of the most recent developments in caregiving.
When the COVID-19 pandemic began, Arcina and other on-call aides were the first to be fitted for and use the new CDC-approved masks. Arcina was a pioneer in those early days of the pandemic, playing a critically important role in maintaining care for her patients in their homes, and bringing back valuable information on what did or did not work in the field.
“I Love Working with People.”

Today, whether Arcina is lifting a patient’s spirits with one of her classic Spanish dishes or inspiring a smile when her patient is having a particularly tough day, making others happy is something she finds truly fulfilling. “My clients really need the help,” she says, noting that they often wait for her with their apartment doors open. “They say to me, ‘I’m so glad you came to help me today.’ Being able to help is the most beautiful thing. I love working with people, and I want my patients to be better.”