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April 28, 2024

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See Our Community Outreach in Action!

November 8, 2023–From street fairs and health fairs to neighborhood celebrations, representatives from our Health Plans and other VNS Health teams are a familiar presence around New York City. In this video “VNS Health In-Action” reporter Isaac Lama is on the scene to interview Community Outreach team members and residents of the community about how VNS Health has impacted their lives. Watch here below to see this lively report on why our Community Outreach teams are so important.

The 2023 Halloween Selfies Are Here!

November 6, 2023–VNS Health team members — and their friends and family — certainly had a lot of fun this Halloween! Click through the slideshow to see the scary, creative, adorable, and funny costumes that were sent in from across the organization! Thanks to everyone who submitted their photos! If you have any additional pictures to share, please send them in by clicking here. Happy Halloween from VNS Health!

20 Minutes with Dan: Caring for Older New Yorkers—from “Grand Dames” to the 100-Year-Old-Plus Club!

October 24, 2023–In this latest episode of “20 Minutes with Dan,” CEO Dan Savitt spotlights how team members are delivering our mission to patients, members and clients in their 80s, 90s and even 100s. Watch this “five-hanky episode” here bellow. On-the-Go Segments Dan’s Intro, “How We Care” Team Member Slide Show, and “I’m a Grand Dame!” Cameo—Part 1 101-Year-Old Ruth and HHA Veronica Egharevba, RN Judith Spencer-Thomas and PT Steve Wong—Part 2 “Uncle Lew’s” Story with Care Coordinator Yan Ying Su and HHA Shu Mei Guan—Part 3 Justina’s Story With Psychiatric Social Worker Evelyn Pozo—Part 4 Rosa’s Story with Geriatric Mental Health Specialist Beth Glick and a Big High 5—Part 5

The Great Rainfall of September 2023, Seen Through the Eyes of VNS Health Team Members

October 6, 2023–Over eight inches of rain recorded in a single day in New York City … flash floods across the metropolitan area… half of the city’s subway lines closed down… streets turned to ponds… snarled traffic… delayed plane flights—no question, that was one massive and historic rainfall that hit the New York area on Friday, September 29! VNS Health frontline team members are famous for overcoming obstacles and delivering care in every type of weather, no matter how bad. As you’ll see in the stories that follow, they rose to the occasion yet again in the Great Rainfall of September 2023 with its thunderous rain that just wouldn’t quit. Here’s their report: Soaked shoes, happy client “I had to battle through the storm and floods, shoes all soaked, so my client could be taken care of,” recalls home health aide Carlos Cruz. He adds that the reception he got was worth

From HHA to RN: Donna Wilson’s Inspiring Journey

August 15, 2023–When Clinical Care Manager Donna Wilson started working as a home health aide (HHA) at VNS Health, she had a vision that she would one day become a registered nurse (RN). As a child growing up in Guyana, health care became her passion thanks to her paternal grandmother, who was a nurse. Her grandmother would often take Donna with her to work, where she mostly cared for elderly patients. “That’s where my love for the geriatric population began,” says Donna. “That feeling continues today. I have a love for seniors, and the sentiment seems to be mutual.” From HHA to RN Donna served as a teacher and an assistant tax inspector in Guyana prior to moving to the United States in 1989. In the U.S., she worked in insurance and banking before becoming an HHA in Personal Care (then known as Partners in Care). Donna was drawn to the position

En este video especial del Mes de los enfermeros, obtenga información sobre cómo nuestro Programa de residencia para enfermeros (Nurse Residency Program) acepta nuevos enfermeros

August 9, 2023–En mayo, Home Care Association (HCA) del Estado de Nueva York otorgó su prestigioso premio Trailblazer Quality & Innovation Award (Pioneros en calidad e innovación) al innovador Programa de residencia para enfermeros de VNS Health y su puesto de Preceptor RN relacionado. En caso de que se haya perdido el video que se presentó en la Conferencia Anual de la HCA, aquí está.

Neighborhood Spotlight: Our Mission Is Alive and Well in New York’s Chinese American Communities!

August 9, 2023–Through the streets of Chinatown, Sunset Park and Flushing, this video celebrates some of New York’s most distinctive cultural treasures—and the care that VNS Health team members have been providing to the Chinese American community for nearly two decades. Watch our Community Center teams in action here below! A special thank you to team members Barbara Yau and John Wong for providing the English voices for Mrs. Leong and Mr. Mo.

In This Special Nurses Month Video, Learn How Our Nurse Residency Program Embraces New Nurses

May 16, 2023–Earlier this month, the New York State Home Care Association (HCA) presented its prestigious Trailblazer Quality & Innovation Award to VNS Health’s innovative Nurse Residency Program and its related RN Preceptor position. In case you missed the video that was presented at the HCA’s Annual Conference, here it is.

关于 HHAx 应用程序,一些 HHA 团队成员有话要说!

May 8, 2023–VNS Health 不断寻找新的方法来帮助您更轻松地为客户提供护理服务。新推出的 HHAeXchange 手机应用程序 (HHAx) 有助于便捷地打钟上班和下班。此外,HHAx 应用程序也能协助您以更快的速度和更容易的方式记录已完成的工作。所有这些功能甚至可以加快您薪水的处理时间。 那真实使用体验究竟如何?我们联系了几名居家健康助理团队成员,以了解他们对新推的这款应用程序的意见,以及他们如何使用这款应用程序赚取 VNS Health Rewards 积分。他们的评论如下: “很好用,虽然需要一些时间来适应。” —Tamika Jordan, Manhattan “HHAx 应用程序非常容易上手,直观简洁,尽管确实需要一些时间来适应。它比我们以前用过的系统都更加简单,兑换积分也非常容易。我觉得大家都该用它来赚点外快!” “真是太有帮助了。” —Leezel Barry, Queens “这款应用程序真是太好用了!从一推出,我就一直在用。我们之前的签到方式超级繁琐,而现在有了它,变简单了。实在是太方便不过了,我觉得大家都该用它来节省时间。VNS Health 这次的升级是正确之举!” “我推荐大家使用 HHAx 应用程序。” —Genesis Mateo, Bronx/Upper Manhattan “这款应用程序从一开始就很好用,尽管确实需要一些时间来适应。连续使用两周后,我便能运用自如。我建议大家都使用 HHAx 应用程序,它比我们以前用过的系统都简单得多。我也喜欢兑换积分。我可以用赚来的积分在 TJ Maxx 兑换东西,犒赏自己!” “这款程序不像以前用过的程序那样复杂。” —Donna Whyte, Bronx/Upper Manhattan “当我第一次开始使用这款应用程序时,我遇到了一些问题,因为不明白怎么才能充分利用它的功能。不过,三周以后,我就掌握了使用窍门。这款程序比我们以前用过的程序要简单得多,兑换积分也非常容易。大家都该用一用!” “这款应用程序从一开始就特别好用。” —Kylisha Johnson, Manhattan “我觉得简化打钟上班和下班流程简直太棒了。这款应用程序从一开始就特别好用,操作运用简单。没什么不好的地方。我建议大家都用一用,累积积分!” 如果您还没有用 HHAx 应用程序来打钟上班和下班,不妨马上试一试!有关如何下载 HHAx 到手机及使用这款应用程序的说明,请点击此处以查看我们的分步讲解视频。