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January 22, 2025

We Are All VNS Health!

May 18, 2022

Since March 31st, we’ve asked you to keep our new name under wraps so we all had time to get used to our name change. As of today, we are no longer VNSNY. We are VNS Health, and it is okay to start saying VNS Health to everyone.

This is a very exciting and historic day for all of us and for our organization! This morning we released an announcement to the press, we kicked off our new consumer advertising on TV, outdoors and on websites, and we launched – our new website – along with a totally redesigned Frontline website.

To help celebrate this important milestone, we’re holding two VNS Health open houses today in our third floor Grand Cafe at our 220 East 42nd Street Office. The first event is from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., the second from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m.

Our new advertising campaign reflects the recognition that we are all neighbors, and, at VNS Health, we serve the communities and people who live where we live. To highlight being good neighbors, there will be food, drink, and music at our open houses from neighborhoods around New York, reflecting our city’s rich cultural diversity. If you’re unable to attend in person, you can still enjoy the musical performances – each event is being live-streamed. To view the events from your computer, just click here at the time of each event.

Our new name calls for some changes. Please change your email signature to VNS Health and update your LinkedIn and social media profiles to include VNS Health. Our communications team has put together a list of instructions on how to do these things, and also created links so you can view our new consumer advertising and new website. You can also see the photos that team members submitted to our “I am VNS Health” selfie campaign. You can view all of these links by clicking here and going to the new Frontline website!

Thank you all – together, we are VNS Health!
