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March 9, 2025

OKR (Objectives and Key Results) Easy Reference Guide

June 1, 2021

In addition to the OKR foundational training and the OKR writing workshop that many of you have taken (or will take soon), we thought it would be useful to provide you with an easy reference guide on how OKRs will move us forward as an organization.

1. OKRs are a journey that we’re all on together. An OKR objective isn’t something that can be accomplished in a day or two—your OKRs are quarterly goals, and we will continue to revisit them over time.

2. OKRs allow us to be more focused both as employees and as an organization. They allow us to focus on a smaller number of key priorities, and also help ensure we’re aligned with our Mission; our 3 Core Values—Empathy, Agility, and Integrity; and our 5 enterprise-wide OKR objectives:

    • Make leaps in our consumer experience so that we consistently exceed expectations
    • Become the region’s employer of choice in every part of our organization
    • Become recognized by payers and consumers as the leader in clinical quality in our region
    • Create surplus-generating businesses leveraging our capabilities and advancing our mission
    • Optimize enterprise-wide cost structure to ensure long-term financial sustainability

3. OKRs put us all on the same page. They allow us to align our objectives so that we’re all heading in the same direction. As we work to balance the different demands and pressures of our jobs, OKRs serve as our North Star, helping us navigate toward our key goals.

4. OKRs mean commitment. We’re committed to making our OKRs a success. After you and your manager agree on your OKRs, then if need be, schedules and in some cases resources will be adjusted to help give your OKRs every chance of succeeding.

5. We’ll all be able to track how we’re doing on our OKRs. Every OKR has 3 to 5 Key Results, and each Key Result is measurable. As a result, you’ll be able to determine if an Objective was a success or if it requires adjustment.

6. OKRs will make us more transparent as an organization. Because everyone’s OKRs are put into an online tracking system called Betterworks, we can all see each other’s OKRs—from departmental staff to the CEO. You’ll be able to see if a person, department, line of business, or the enterprise itself has met their Objectives.

7 OKRs will also give us all a better understanding of how other parts of the organization operate and contribute, since we’ll be able to see the goals of all our colleagues across VNSNY.

8. OKRs are a chance for us to stretch ourselves. They push us to be our best and reach for the stars. OKRs include aspirational Objectives—goals for how you’d like the world to be. You should reach for the gold ring, but don’t worry if you fail.

9. OKRs empower us. Since you also create your own individual OKRs, you’re in the driver’s seat. You don’t sit around waiting to find out what you need to do—you do it!