Hui Qing Li Is Honored With The Health Plans Excellence Award from VNS Health Personal Care

The 2022 VNS Health Health Plans Excellence Award goes to a Home Health Aide who not only has been providing outstanding service to a Health Plans member, but is someone who is a passionate caregiver and who loves to assist all plan members and patients in need – especially the elderly. This year’s the award goes to Hui Qing Li. Hui has been a VNS Health team member since 2018. As a home health aide, she enjoys meeting new people, knowing that she can make a difference in their lives. “I enjoy assisting patients when they need help,” Qing Li says, “but it feels amazing to watch them do tasks on their own. I feel proud to see them make progress every day.” It is not only her patients who benefit from Qing Li’s visits. Qing Li has learned important life lessons from her patients, as well. “One of my elderly patients would spread so much joy through her singing,” she recalls. “She taught me: Be happy and grateful for every day that you have.” Another important life lesson Qing Li learned from her patient: “Keep up with the younger generation so you will always feel young!” On receiving this award, Qing Li says: “I’m very excited to continue working with VNS Health for many years to come!”