“Strength from Within” Employee Giving Campaign Sets New Record!
2018 campaign surpasses $70,000 — and it’s not over yet!
Thanks to the generosity and commitment of VNSNY’s frontline and support staff, the organization’s Strength from Within Employee Giving Campaign has surpassed its 2018 goal, reaching $70,000 for the first time ever! So far this year, nearly 300 employees have made contributions, and donations continue to roll in as we approach the campaign deadline.
Over 40 staff gifts have been directed to VNSNY Hospice and Palliative Care, one of VNSNY’s most emotionally impactful programs. Rivkah Brenenson donated in support of the hospice program because she “wanted to help hospice offer special programs like music therapy”—noting that “every person deserves to have access to good support at end of life.” Jon Kearney “gave to support VNSNY’s Hospice Veterans Program and the outstanding work of Joe Vitti and Sung Yoon.” He added, “They go above and beyond to support those that have served.”

VNSNY’s Nurse-Family Partnership is just one of the many vital programs that VNSNY employees can direct their “Strength from Within” donations to. Above: NFP nurse Delores Thomas with a client.
Two other initiatives that continue to receive strong support in 2018 are VNSNY’s Charitable Care and Maternity, Newborn, and Pediatrics (MNP) programs. Roger Herr directed part of his gift to Charitable Care because he “believes in the reason for the founding of VNSNY—to provide care to those who do not have the resources to access care.” For Gary Miller, his donation to MNP was personal. “As a father of two children, I understand the emotional and financial burden of a child needing pediatric care,” he said. “I can only imagine the difficulty this would present to a family that can’t afford it. It brings me great satisfaction to know that my donation, along with others, can help VNSNY carry forth our mission to help families in need.”
Many staff members, like Dolly Garcia-Willix, gave to VNSNY because they see firsthand the difference VNSNY makes in the lives of our patients. “It’s an honor to do this work, and despite its challenges at times, I still look at it as a calling to help others,” noted Dolly. “Giving in this small way can be meaningful for someone else, and home care is such a valuable service to so many. I believe in our teamwork and I know that together we genuinely help those who are isolated, vulnerable, in crisis, and need care. I believe in all of us and what we give…it really counts.”
As always, staff members can target their gifts to provide direct support for one of VNSNY’s charitable care and community benefit programs. To make a gift, to see the VNSNY programs your contribution can support, or to learn more about the campaign, please click here, or go to the VNSNY Intranet home page and click the link for VNSNY’s Strength from Within. There you can view the different ways you can make a gift—including an online payroll deduction form, which many staff members have utilized this year—as well as the special raffle prizes for participating employees (including a computer tablet, a laptop, and tickets to Disney World).
“There are still almost three weeks left in the 2018 campaign,” says Ted Traver, Direct Response Manager, who helps spearhead the Strength from Within effort. “Thank you to all who have already participated, and let’s continue to support these amazing programs!”