City and State Names Marki Flannery to Its First-Ever “Health Power 50 List”

In another indication of VNSNY’s strong and growing reputation as a leading New York State healthcare provider and payer, the media organization City and State has named Marki Flannery, VNSNY’s President and CEO, to its first-ever “Health Power 50 List” of New York State’s 50 most influential people in healthcare (excluding government officials).

“I’m honored to be representing VNSNY in this listing, which includes individuals from so many outstanding healthcare organizations,” notes Marki. In announcing her selection for the “Health Power 50 List,” City and State wrote: “As the demand for home health care explodes in the U.S., Visiting Nurse Service of New York, which reaches more than 135,000 patients per year, stands out as one of the pre-eminent organizations serving elderly New Yorkers.”
City and State, which covers New York policy and politics at the local, state and federal level, is widely known for its “Power Lists,” but this is the media group’s first ranking devoted to the state’s healthcare industry. The list includes the CEOs of New York’s major medical centers and clinical networks; the heads of many of the state’s major professional health-related trade organizations and non-profits; the president of the 1199 chapter of the Service Employees International Union; and chief executives from a number of health insurance and pharmaceutical companies.
The honorees were recognized at a January 15th reception. Featured speakers included New York State Senator Gustavo Rivera, Chair of the Senate Health Committee, and Kenneth Raske, President of the Greater New York Hospital Association—who is also a fellow member of this year’s “Health Power 50.”
To see the full “Health Power 50 List,” click here.