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March 9, 2025

Winter News Briefs: Catch Up on What’s Happening Around VNS Health!

March 5, 2024

Although the weather may not always seem like it, it’s still officially winter. (In case you don’t believe us, here are a couple of photos that were sent into Frontline after our last snowstorm.)

Here are the Winter News Briefs—your quick and easy way to catch up on news, updates, and happenings from across the organization over the past few months.

If you have any news or announcements that you’d like to submit for consideration in an upcoming edition, please click here.

EasyCare and EasyCare Plus Enrollment Exceeds Goals

VNS Health’s Medicare Advantage plan, EasyCare, and its Medicare dual special-needs plan, EasyCare Plus, surpassed their enrollment goals for 2024. Together, the two plans enrolled over 2,500 members during last fall’s open enrollment, almost 1,000 members above their target! (And when you include VNS Health Total, our MAP plan, we completed 2,800 enrollments in total.) Credit for the plans’ strong performance goes to a number of factors, including the high quality of the plans themselves, great teamwork by VNS Health team members, and an active marketing presence—in particular, promoting the plans’ benefit packages, which are carefully crafted to meet the needs of New Yorkers in the lower income ranges.

Congratulations, Nurse Residency Graduates!  

Ashley Eustache and Sheryll Bromberg are our newest Nurse Residency Program graduates! The VNS Health Nurse Residency Program is a comprehensive, two-year program designed to help make the growing field of home-care nursing more accessible to new nurses. The curriculum includes several weeks of daily classes, after which the nurse residents shadow experienced VNS Health nurse preceptors in the field, gaining invaluable hands-on experience, skills, and confidence. For more about the Nurse Residency Program, click here.

Here are the latest ABCD and Initiative Award Winners!

From September 2023 through January 2024, 682 team members received ABCD and Initiative Awards. Click here to see who!

Celebrating Women’s History Month!

During February, the CCSS Engagement Team celebrated Black History Month by daily acknowledging and honoring the contributions and accomplishments of Black Americans in history.  This month, the CCSS Engagement Team is doing the same for Women’s History Month. 

The CCSS Engagement Team includes Robert Rauschenbach and Crystal Thompson, who research and identify historical figures to highlight, Taniesa Clarke, who designs and posts the messages to the Contact Center team site on the VNS Health Intranet, as well as the following team members who assist them: Christine OdomAmbar Gil-PolancoTanya DoucetKelly TriumphTina ArniotisJeannette Troche, Melton St. Marie and Corinne Shaw.  

Want a Student Intern to Join Your Team This Summer? It’s Not Too Late to Request One.

Are you interested in hosting a student in your department for the 2024 Summer Internship Program? We still have a few student intern spots to place. 

A VNS Health internship is a win-win for both the student and the team that hires them. Nearly 90% of the students who participated in last summer’s internship program said they found the experience “extremely impactful” to their early career development. Your team will benefit, too. Past interns have helped launch projects, conduct research, and analyze data sets.  Our students major in a wide range of fields, including public health, business, computer science, and, of course, nursing.

How it works:  Your student intern will be with your team for 10 weeks, starting in early June.  The 10 weeks of intern costs are charged to your department’s cost center.

Pay rate:  $20 per hour for undergraduates.  $25 per hour for grad students.

To learn more:  Go to Please also email Kristen Guernier in HR. But hurry, student intern spots are going fast! 

VNS Health to Take on New MLTC Members in Western New York State

VNS Health has entered into an agreement with Elderwood Health Plan—a Medicaid Managed Long-Term Care Plan (MLTC) that serves six counties in western New York State—to enroll members of Elderwood’s MLTC Plan into VNS Health’s MLTC plan, pending New York State Department of Health (NYS DOH) approval. Elderwood’s recently formed Independent Practice Association (IPA) will also manage the care of its former members who enroll in the VNS Health MLTC, along with any new and existing VNS Health members in its counties. The IPA will include delegated care management, local provider relations, and certain administrative functions.

This partnership is in keeping with provisions enacted in the 2023-2024 New York State (NYS) Budget that require all organizations with MLTC plans to also have a Medicare Dual Eligible Special Needs Plan (D-SNP), with 3 or more stars. Once approved, VNS Health will automatically enroll any of the approximately 1,200 members now enrolled in Elderwood Health Plan who do not elect to join another MLTC plan in the area prior to the May 1, 2024 transition date. To read more, click here.

Marylou Mendoza Honored with HCHB Gold Standard Award  

On February 9, Marylou Mendoza, Hospice Admissions Nurse, was notified that she had been selected as the winner of the Homecare Homebase (HCHB) March 2024 Gold Standard Award. HCHB honors home-based caregivers who utilize HCHB to provide exceptional patient care. Winners are nominated by their agency leaders and carefully selected by the HCHB team for their expertise, enthusiasm and dedication. Congratulations to Marylou!

“What’s a Little Thing You Do to Brighten Your Client’s Day?”

The above question is the first entry in a new monthly raffle the VNS Health Personal Care team launched: Each month, HHA team members will be asked a question about the care they provide to their patients and clients. There will be a different question every month—and from among those who answer the question, three HHAs will be picked at random to receive a prize. Over 400 HHAs responded to the first question and click here to see what they said!

Introducing “Lunch with Our CEO”!

Each month, President and CEO Dan Savitt will host a casual lunch for 15 to 18 team members from around the organization. This is an opportunity for team members to have an informal conversation with Dan over a relaxed lunch. The team members will be selected at random (starting with a non-field, employee pool up through the Director levels) to have lunch at our 220 East 42Street office. Those team members will have a chance to ask Dan any question they like. It might be a question about the organization, current events, or Dan himself. The first lunch took place on Thursday, February 29.

Dan Savitt Named to City and State’s 2024 Health Care Power 100 List   

VNS Health CEO Dan Savitt was named to City & State’s Health Care Power 100, which recognizes hospital and health care executives, nonprofit service providers, labor leaders, academics and other advocates and activists who are shaping health care policy and practice in New York. Read more here.

Home Care Career Growth Segment on TV News12  

On January 19, David Rosales, EVP and Chief of Provider Services, appeared on News12 Long Island to promote the exciting growth in home care careers, and explain why hiring and recruiting talent is a number one priority of the organization. Watch the segment here below.

SSCoP’s “Elder Abuse 101” Presentation

On January 26, The Social Services Community of Professionals (SSCoP) held an online event attended by 150 people that featured guest speaker Arlene Markarian from the Family & Children’s Association in Long Island. Ms. Markarian, who recently retired from public service after serving more than 32 years as a domestic violence and elder abuse prosecutor, presented guidelines for medical professionals to identify elder abuse, including signs of abuse, a profile of an abuser, what to document, and what to do if abuse is suspected. She is now working with Family and Children’s Association (FCA) as the coordinator for both their SOS Safe Observant Seniors elder abuse program and the Nassau County Elder Abuse Enhanced Multidisciplinary Team.

This presentation is part of VNS Health’s SSCoP 2024 Community Connections Series, which invites guest speakers from regional community agencies to share information and resources on social service topics relevant to medical professionals.

Chinatown NNORC Knitting Donations for BH Shelter ACT Program

Several older adults at the Chinatown NNORC volunteer to make hats, scarves, headbands, and other cozy items to help people in need. Through an ongoing program, their hand-made knitwear is donated to VNS Health’s Behavioral Health Shelter ACT team, which provides mobile intensive treatment and support to unhoused individuals who have been diagnosed with severe mental illness. “Creating for others in need brings happiness and satisfaction to the knitters and empowers them to make a difference in the community, said Helen (Hing Lin) Sit, Manager of the Chinatown NNORC. “This is a “win/win” for both volunteers and recipients.”  See the photos here!

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Hospice Bereavement Weaving Project  

Back in 2007, as a beautiful gesture to honor Hospice patients who have passed away, VNS Health bereavement counselor Janet King started the Hospice Weaving Project. Every year since then, family members of hospice patients have sent in pieces of fabric to represent their loved ones. Donations have included golf shirts with military service logos, dress shirt cuffs with monograms, baseball caps with team insignias, even a piece of a handkerchief. If the loved one was a proud businessman, the family may donate a silk tie. If the loved one was a proud home cook, they may donate an apron or a tea towel. If the loved one was a craft maker, they may donate a piece of crochet or needle work. Janet then artistically weaves the fabric into works of art that represent a patchwork of meaningful lifetimes. The weavings, as you can see in the one at right, is more than the sum of its parts, and family members are truly touched by the experience.

For nearly two decades, the Bereavement team has been using these weavings to represent those who have died in our Hospice Memorial Services and in our Bereavement Support Groups. The families look for their loved one’s garment, touch it, photograph it, and gather around the weaving seeking out the swatch of their loved one as if the person is present in the moment. Each fabric swatch becomes a tangible reminder of the lives the Hospice team has cherished and cared for.

Neighborhood Spotlight Videos Win AVA Platinum Award

In February, VNS Health was recognized with a Platinum AVA Digital Award for the 2023 Neighborhood Spotlight videos—the highest honor they give! To read more about the award, click here.

Are You or Is Someone in Your Family a Military Veteran? There Are Resources Available – Right Here at VNS Health!    

In 2023, the VNS Health Veterans Program helped connect more than 1,800 military veterans and their families with benefits and services provided through the Veterans Administration (VA). The Veterans Program team also extends their support to all VNS Health veterans and employees across the organization with family members who are veterans. If you have questions or need support connecting with the VA or other services available, please contact Veteran [email protected] for more information.

VNS Health also has an Employee Resource Group (ERG) called the Military Veteran’s Alliance that meets biweekly on Thursdays at 10:00 a.m. The vision is to provide a safe platform for all VNS health employees with or without direct military affiliation to join whenever they can. You can find out more about these events by clicking here.

Gender Affirmation Program Poster Displayed at Symposium on Health Care Services

On November 1, an abstract written by members of the Center for Home Care Policy & Research at VNS Health and the Gender Affirmation Program (GAP), “Challenges and Lessons in the Home-based Nursing Clinical Practice of Gender Affirming Surgical Care: A Qualitative Assessment,” was included in the poster session of the 34th Annual Symposium on Health Care Services in New York: Research and Practice, sponsored by Greater New York Hospital Association and United Hospital Fund.

The poster was the result of a collaboration spearheaded by Dr. Shannon Whittington, Gender Affirmation Program (GAP) Director, and Sonia J. Cheruvillil, Research Project Manager, Alexis Stern, Research Analyst, and Mia Oberlink, Senior Research Associate, from the Research Center. To see the poster, click here.

Article Published in HSS Journal 

On November 16, HSS Journal published an article on how VNS Health and HSS have partnered to reduce length of stay (LOS) following joint replacement surgery. The article, co-authored by Sandy Merlino and Joe Gallagher, reports that VNS Health Home Care’s collaboration with HSS has proven successful at reducing LOS both in the hospital and in at-home rehabilitation after joint replacement surgery, all while maintaining or improving outcomes. Click here to read the article.

Nurse-Family Partnership Graduation in Nassau

On November 16, The Nurse-Family Partnership (NFP) Nassau team held its first in-person graduation since before the pandemic. The NFP supports first-time moms and their babies starting in pregnancy and continuing through the child’s second birthday. 24 families attended the event, where they enjoyed a delicious meal that VNS Health nurses helped serve and had a wonderful time sharing their heartwarming experiences with the program. Assemblywoman Michaelle Solages attended and was awarded the VNS Health Children and Families Award in recognition of her ongoing advocacy for funding of children and families services. Also in attendance were Senator Patricia Canzoneri-Fitzpatrick and Shelly Schechter from Nassau County DOH. See the photos here below.

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Hopsice Fellows Dinner

The VNS Health Hospice Fellows Program offers a direct, hands-on experience in which the Fellows, all hospice physicians or other clinicians in training, are embedded in designated hospice teams for up to 10-week rotations. The objective is to help them gain a greater understanding of the complexities of hospice care, an appreciation for the team approach that is the hallmark of good hospice care, and a willingness to advocate for hospice care at the right time for the patient and family.

This year’s cohort is made up of 44 Fellows, including four nurse practitioners. On December 12, the Hospice Fellows Program saluted its current trainees and the program’s achievements at a celebratory dinner attended by the Fellows, Fellowship Directors from academic partners, and donors and foundation partners who support the program through grants. Meet the fellows here and here are some photos of the event below.

  • Hospice Fellows 1
  • Dinner
  • Hospice Fellows 2
  • Hospice Fellows and Donors
  • VNS Health Hospice Leadership and Board Directors
  • Wise Hospice Team

Rotisserie Chicken Giveaway at VNS Health Community Centers

In December, the Cultural Market Development team distributed more than 100 rotisserie chickens to the VNS Health Community Centers in Chinatown, Flushing, and Sunset Park. The guests at the Community Centers were delighted at the gesture! “The rotisserie chicken giveaway is an essential Community Center tradition, as it builds and strengthens our relationship with our members and the community as a whole through giving back. We are able to interact with members and provide them with a meal if they are not able to do so for themselves around the holiday season,” said Daniel Hope, Broker Account Manager, Relationship Management and Sales, Health Plans.

Anne Walsh Featured in WOCN Member Spotlight

The Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurses (WOCN) Society featured Clinical Support Manager and Nurse Practitioner Anne Walsh in their Member Spotlight series. With a passion for providing home care, Anne’s story serves as an example of the learning opportunities and rewarding feelings of assisting patients in their own homes.

Reflecting on her career, Anne remembers a patient with a new ileostomy who initially struggled to adjust. “I made regular visits to her home and was rewarded to see the depression lifting,” said Anne. “Her blinds were always drawn initially, and she did not leave her home. I saw all that change as an appropriate ostomy appliance was put in place and her peristomal skin healed and she felt supported and not alone. She kept in touch with me for years after being discharged from home care.” Read more here.

Strength From Within Giving Campaign Is a Success

The 2023 edition of our Strength from Within employee giving campaign saw its highest participation numbers to date, with 345 VNS Health team members combining to raise $132,000 for charitable care and community impact programs! That total includes a $40,000 matching gift from Executive Leadership. Each dollar raised by Strength from Within goes to fund VNS Health’s vital safety-net programs. To read Frontline’s report on the campaign’s final results, click here.