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September 26, 2024

On June 25th, More Than 70 Staff and Friends Marched in the NYC Pride March

August 30, 2017

This year’s PRIDE NYC March, held on June 25th, was the first time VNSNY officially participated as an organization. This video captures the spirit and the enthusiasm of the more than 70 VNSNY staff members and friends who marched that day. Their comments offer an inspiring reflection on VNSNY’s commitment to New York’s LGBT community as well as our mission to serve all those in need.

“Throughout the PRIDE NYC March, many of us were approached repeatedly by grateful community members who expressed their thanks for the care that VNSNY has provided to themselves or their loved ones over the years,” says Marki Flannery, VNSNY’s Executive Vice President and Chief of Provider Operations.

As just one example of this, Arthur Fitting, RN Coordinator and Oasis Assessor for VNSNY’s Utilization Management and Assessment Support, reported that during the march, at each water station, the person handing him the cup of water said, ‘Thank you so much for taking care of my family member.’

It was truly a remarkable day.